Tuesday 2 December 2014

They Will Eat Your Brains Out And Control Your Body!

Hey bloggers, Bari here again with an anime that is still under 10 episodes! Parasyte-The Maxim has been brought to my attention by a friend. This series is still new so there's not much that I can actually talk about storyline wise but so far it seems to be catching on pretty good.
Before going into detail on what its like so far though I must say that this is a very weird, border line freaky anime and is not for everyone. 
So now basically I will try to explain what the anime is about, the parasites themselves and let you decide if you want to give it a try or not. 
Parasyte- The Maxim is about  out of space parasites landing on Earth and trying to take over Human host by infiltrating their heads and eating their brains to further mature into a a part of the human body.
It is seen that the parasite may try to exit their host but it is a very hard procedure as they end up usually having a hard time adapting to a new human host's body.
The parasites are seen to be able to mimic human behavior, speech etc while they control their host although Migi, a parasite did state that he does not understand emotions and finds human behavior stupid yet interesting. After taking over a body, parasites also fuse with the host just like a real parasite and nurture themselves on what the host eat. There is no way a human could get rid of their parasite because the parasite is integrated into their body and is a part of it therefore the human has no choice but to live with it. More than one parasite can also take over the same human host but in different parts of the body. Parasites also transform the taken over part of the body into any form or size they want which is usually some sort of bladed weapon.
 All parasites are not successful in taking over a human brain as in the case of Migi, who took over the right arm of its host and some parasites are not lucky enough to even get a human host and are forced to settle for another animal. Parasites are also capable of detecting other parasites once they are close. Parasites don't seem to like each other for what ever reason and always try to kill each other. They are also smart because they only seem to fight if there's a good chance of winning but will try to escape danger when there is no chance to win. They are also avid learners.
Okay guys that's it for me, I try not to spoil anything and since its under 10 episodes still you can watch it and catch up really quickly which is why I didn't go into detail about the storyline. That's it, go check it out and let me know what you think and until then Bye guys thanks for reading. 


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