Tuesday 2 December 2014

They Will Eat Your Brains Out And Control Your Body!

Hey bloggers, Bari here again with an anime that is still under 10 episodes! Parasyte-The Maxim has been brought to my attention by a friend. This series is still new so there's not much that I can actually talk about storyline wise but so far it seems to be catching on pretty good.
Before going into detail on what its like so far though I must say that this is a very weird, border line freaky anime and is not for everyone. 
So now basically I will try to explain what the anime is about, the parasites themselves and let you decide if you want to give it a try or not. 
Parasyte- The Maxim is about  out of space parasites landing on Earth and trying to take over Human host by infiltrating their heads and eating their brains to further mature into a a part of the human body.
It is seen that the parasite may try to exit their host but it is a very hard procedure as they end up usually having a hard time adapting to a new human host's body.
The parasites are seen to be able to mimic human behavior, speech etc while they control their host although Migi, a parasite did state that he does not understand emotions and finds human behavior stupid yet interesting. After taking over a body, parasites also fuse with the host just like a real parasite and nurture themselves on what the host eat. There is no way a human could get rid of their parasite because the parasite is integrated into their body and is a part of it therefore the human has no choice but to live with it. More than one parasite can also take over the same human host but in different parts of the body. Parasites also transform the taken over part of the body into any form or size they want which is usually some sort of bladed weapon.
 All parasites are not successful in taking over a human brain as in the case of Migi, who took over the right arm of its host and some parasites are not lucky enough to even get a human host and are forced to settle for another animal. Parasites are also capable of detecting other parasites once they are close. Parasites don't seem to like each other for what ever reason and always try to kill each other. They are also smart because they only seem to fight if there's a good chance of winning but will try to escape danger when there is no chance to win. They are also avid learners.
Okay guys that's it for me, I try not to spoil anything and since its under 10 episodes still you can watch it and catch up really quickly which is why I didn't go into detail about the storyline. That's it, go check it out and let me know what you think and until then Bye guys thanks for reading. 


Monday 1 December 2014

Titans Attack- Humans Are Prey!

Humans..... We are the dominant species- we control every other living thing on Earth! We are on top of the food chain and even the wildest beast fear us. Although we were not gifted with super strength, sharp claws or bone crushing jaws and teeth, we are the APEX predator by being the smartest and using mechanisms to get the job done. But what happens when humans themselves are prey and have to keep themselves herded like livestock?
Who will stop these monsters from purging the world of the last few hundred humans?

             Hey guys, Bari here again with another anime I really want to talk about which is Attack On Titan. This new series is gruesome I must admit its not for the feint of heart. Also if you are an emotional person this anime may or may not be for you because the good guys do not always win (Which I think is more realistic because in life we don't always get a happy ending even if we deserve it).

          Without spoiling the anime for you before you watch it, I'll just let you know what its about basically.
Humans are being hunted to extinction by a species called Titans. What is a Titan? Titans are entities that look like humans. Some physically resemble humans complete with skin and hair which usually range from 2m-14m in height while the larger ones resemble a human body with no skin exposing muscles and bone all over their bodies.
They are neither male or female and do not reproduce. They also do not need to eat which is the greatest mystery as to why they hunt humans and humans only. They have no genitalia and run around naked
Titans also range when it comes to intelligence as some can only crawl on all fours while others are bipedal yet don't seem adapted and others are capable of making decisions, protecting weak spots and making plans. All titans only serve one purpose however and that is to drive humanity to extinction.

     However, humanity has decided not to go down without a fight! a special army with a weapon/equipment known as 3D Maneuver Gear which allows them to take flight and use special swords designed to slay titans. 
What makes this anime so great is not only the fact that the graphics, sound effects and theme music are really great but its overall a really good storyline and since the Titans are stronger and bigger, it really forces the characters to think. This anime is about strategy which I think is always better than just raw power. Innocent people die unexpectedly  and although people that are close to the characters die, there's no time to get sad or angry because they are always on the move and planning.
 I really suggest you guys watch it though and I tried my hardest not to spoil it for you. Let me know what you guys think! 

Friday 28 November 2014

ZERO- Hero Or Nemesis ?

Hey readers, Bari here again today with a very interesting anime I want to discuss and I'd really like your views on this when I'm finished because I'd like to know where you stand.

         In a war torn world where every nation is fighting and deceiving each other for absolute dominance, one of the three superpower nations known as The Holy Empire of Britannia rule most countries including Japan. After taking over Japan they further establish dominance by semi-enslaving the Japanese people and even stripping them of their culture and rights to call themselves Japanese, making it illegal and somewhat demoralizing. Japan is therefore known as Area 11 and the Japanese people as Elevens.
         The only way "out" for the Eleven's was to apply for a Britannian passport and be known as "Honorary Brittanians" in which they would still be victims of racism and prejudice but given a false peace of mind and allowed  an education and overall better treatment than the Elevens.

         Code Geass follows the life of Lelouch Lamperouge (real name: Lelouch Vi Brittania), a boy who was abandoned and shipped off to Japan along with his blind and crippled sister Nunnally, by their Parents Charles Zi Britannia, the king of Britannia and Marianne Vi Britannia who has passed away since Lelouch was a young boy.

     Now in college, the only thing Lelouch really wanted to do was to protect his sister and to bring down the Holy Empire Of Britannia. His wish seemed to come through when one day he met CC (said as Cee-Two), who gave him the power known as Geass (Each Geass is unique- some stronger than others). Lelouch's Geass allowed him to give an order someone must absolutely follow once he made eye contact with them but he could only use it once on that person.
   After Attaining his Geass, Lelouch would ultimately hide his power and become a shadowy figure called Zero who hid his identity, becoming the leader of the Black Knight's- a hero to the Elevens and enemy of Britannia!
    Lelouch is a GENIUS and using his alternate identity as Zero, he would ultimately  go on to free Japan and declare its independence as the United States of Japan. He then succeeded after a few tries in killing his father and declaring himself the new king of Britannia . However things did not go 100% as planned... His sister, who he only cared for and loved, opposed his actions and ultimately rejected him. Now with nothing to live for, he erased his existence from the world by faking his death.
Throughout the 50 episode series, I found myself not knowing if I am for Lelouch or against him because he is very evil yet good at the same time. He was a traitor, manipulative, shady and often used his cunning ways to his full advantage. He was a tactician and was able to plan 3 steps ahead and even have back up plans incase he failed. He became enemy of the world and secretly united it through his reign and death. He understood that in war people had to die and that sometimes people must be sacrificed but what made him really bad was his not caring who died once he got his way- friend or foe. However, he did have a caring side to those close to him.
Trying to debate Code Geass can and will get political which made it a very good anime- the brilliance of some of the characters along with their actions really gets you thinking about who is right, if they are really right and what makes their blood stained hands clean enough to even be considered fit to rule.
 Let me know what you guys think tho... Is Lelouch really a good person deep down after all the casualties he has caused and betraying his friends, allies and allying nations just because he seeks revenge against one man? Or is he really an evil person even though all he has was to protect a loved one which led to the freedom of Japan and world peace? Lelouch is the definition of two sides of the same coin. 


Thursday 27 November 2014

Pink Hair, Flying Cats & Demon Slayers!

                Hey bloggers, Jabari here again with another post about an anime I believe everyone likes or at least heard of. Fairy Tail is arguably the hottest new anime, its themed around a medieval yet somewhat futuristic European based alternate world filled with magic, dragons, demons, wizard guilds and even a parallel world with a kingdom of cat like warrior creatures capable of flying. That sounds crazy enough, right? What is even crazier is the two stars of the series- Natsu Dragneel, a First Origin Fire Dragon Slayer who has no known real parents but was raised by Igneel, a fire dragon and Lucy Heartfilia, a girl who has lost her parents and is taken in by the family like guild called Fairy Tail.

                   What makes this series -now in its second season- so good is the fact that there's never a dull moment. It combines an indirect love story between some of the characters including Natsu and Lucy, scenes which often leave you laughing until you get a stitch in your side, jaw dropping action and sometimes plot twists which leave you at the edge of your seat ALWAYS wanting more!  
           So guys let me know what you think about Fairy Tail- do you love it? Do you hate it? What is your favorite arc? Who are your favorite characters? do you like the storyline so far? Let me know down below in the comments and also let me know what you'd like me to blog about next, thanks for reading :)

Wednesday 19 November 2014


Greeetings guys and welcome to Ultimate Anime!. I will be analysing various anime series and also bragging about my favourite.  I figured since this is my first post calling it origins would be cool.
As this is my first post I will list and speak about some of my favourite anime.
So my favourite anime right now is Hunter x Hunter
This anime is full of surprises and action, I love it because it makes viewers think along with the characters and have some kind of empathy towards each character.
Another favorite of mine is..
Shingeki No Kiojin; everyone knows as
Attack on Titan
This anime is very suspenseful to me and anything can happen at anytime. Its no wonder why it was rated number 1
Dragon Ball Z
Yes i know the series is finished  and to you viewers it may seem old school but there is no reason why I don't consider this one of the best anime of all time.
I will leave you with this for now  and next time will get into more analysis.  :) later guys.